
Sharon Leigh

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Author and retired French teacher, Sharon Leigh, studied abroad in France for one year and was fortunate to travel throughout most of Western Europe and Cameroun, Africa. She had never witnessed such a love for dogs that exists and prevails in France. French cafes, bistros and boutiques invite family owned dogs into their establishments, welcoming them with ceramic dishes filled with fresh water and often times little treats to acknowledge their importance in our lives. Animals of all kinds extend unconditional love towards their masters, a love most parents extend to their children and God to his. Should a French person leave his dog outside of a museum or an endroit where dogs are not permitted, their dogs wait patiently outside the doors. If the dogs are small, they are encompassed in a puppy carrier where no one will bother them while they await the return of their loved one. It is said people live longer and healthier lives when they share their love with animals and Sharon Leigh is in total agreement.