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American Library Association (ALA) National Conference

06-27-2024 to 07-02-2024

San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, CA

As the world’s largest library event, the ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition brings together thousands of librarians and library staff, educators, authors, publishers, friends of libraries, trustees, special guests, and exhibitors. ALA Annual offers educational programming; important announcements and updates; relevant legislation and policies; and discussions that majorly impact libraries, their roles, and their ongoing transformation.

Event Highlights include:

  • Educational programming, created and curated by library professionals
  • News You Can Use Sessions with updates that highlight new research, innovations, and advances in libraries
  • The Library Marketplace with innovative and informed exhibitors, LIVE Stages, ARCs, and more
  • Memorable and inspiring speakers
  • Presidents’ and Chair Programs
  • Top-tier authors
  • Fun and entertaining networking opportunities to share and connect with peers, and more

Featured Authors -See who is coming this year to San Diego!! Click Here

Meet the Authors!

AAA=Author Autographing Area     PC= Podcast Booth

Saturday June 29

9:00 am to 10:00 am
Aiden & Eliana Miao
Ashley Belote
Jeff Weber
Mary Hayashi
Sabella Frasca
Tasha Nicole
Vicki Garlock

Saturday 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Aiden & Eliana Miao
Ashley Belote
David Calloway AAA 2 – 10:00 – 10:20
J.J. Maze
Jeff Weber
Judy De Young AAA 2- 10:30-10:50
Mary Hayashi
Patricia Miller
Rick Robinson PC 10:30-10:45
Rodney Cloud Hill PC 9:30-9:45
Sabelle Frasca
Tasha Nicole
Vicki Garlock

Saturday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Ashley Belote
Cheryl Palladino
Gitte Tamar
J.J. Maze- AAA 2-11:00-11:20
John Dragonetti
Kevin D. Miller- AAA 3-11:00-11:50
Nina Kelly
Patricia Miller
Rita Reed-PC 11:00-11:15
Sylvia Medina- AAA 2-11:30-11:50
T.O. Paine

Saturday 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Ashley Belote
Cheryl Palladino
Christa Bruhn
Gitte Tamar
J.J. Maze
Jeff Weber-PC 12:30-12:45
John Dragonetti
Nina Kelly
Patricia Miller- AAA 2- 12:00-12:20
Rita Reed- AAA 1- 12:00-12:50
Rodney Cloud Hill- AAA 3- 12:00-12:50
T.O. Paine
Tasha Nicole- AAA 2- 12:30-12:550

Saturday 1:00 pm to 2:00
Ashley Belote
David Calloway
Dr. Dawn Menge- AAA 3-1:00-1:50
Gitte Tamar- AAA 2-1:30-1:50
J.J. Maze-PC 1:00-1:15
Judy De Young
Dr. Natasha Cox-Magno-PC 1:30-1:45
Rita Reed
Rodney Cloud Hill
Sylvia Medina

Saturday 2:00 pm to 3:00
Ashley Belote
Cheryl Palladino- AAA 2-2:30-2:50
David Calloway
Dr. Dawn Menge
Dr. Natasha Cox-Magno
Judy De Young
Kevin D. Miller-PC 2:30-2:45
Rita Reed
Rodney Cloud Hill
Sylvia Medina
T.O. Paine- AAA 2-2:00-2:20

Saturday 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
A. Marc Ross
Ashley Belote- PC 3:00-3:15
Ashley Belote
Craig Cooke
Dr. Dawn Menge
Elizabeth Hendrick
Kevin D. Miller
Nadia Davis
Dr. Natasha Cox-Magno
T.O. Paine-PC 3:30-3:45
Tony Jeton Selimi

Saturday 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
A . Marc Ross
Ashley Belote
Craig Cooke
David Calloway-PC 4:00-4:15
Dr. Dawn Menge- PC 4:30-4:45
Elizabeth Hendrick
Kevin D. Miller
Nadia Davis
Dr. Natasha Cox-Magno AAA 3-4:00-4:50
Sabelle Frasca- AAA 2-4:30-4:50
Tony Jeton Selimi

Sunday June 30

Sunday 9:00 am to 10:00 am
Ashley Belote
Elizabeth Hendrick-PC 10:00-10:15
Jeff Weber
Paul Kiritsis-PC 9:30-9:45

Sunday 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Ashley Belote
Elizabeth Hendrick- AAA 2-10:30-10:50
Jeff Weber
John Dragonetti- AAA 1- 10:00-10:50
Liliane Fortna- AAA 2 -10:00-10:20

Sunday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Aiden & Eliana Miao- AAA 2-12:30 – 12:50
Amanda Boen
Ashley Belote
David Grodski
Dr. Bernadette Anderson
Jeff Weber- AAA 1-11:00-11:50
John Dragonetti
Margaret Blenkush
Paul Kiritsis
Wheston Grove

Sunday 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
A Marc Ross PC 12:30 to 12:45
Amanda Boen
Ashley Belote
Craig Cooke- AAA 2-12:00-12:20
David Grodski
Dr. Bernadette Anderson
John Dragonetti
Margaret Blenkush
Paul Kiritsis
Tony Jeton Selimi
Wheston Grove

Sunday 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
A. Marc Ross- AAA 2-1:30-1:50
Amanda Boen- PC 1:30 – 1:45
Ashley Belote
David Benjamin
Deborah Donaldson
Jeff Weber
John Shen
John Dragonetti-PC 1:00-1:15
Liliane Fortna
Lisa Traugott
Tammy Cohen
Tony Jeton Selimi

Sunday 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Aiden and Eliana Maio-PC 2:30-2:45
Amanda Boen- AAA2-2:30-2:50
Ashley Belote
David Benjamin
Deborah Donaldson
Jeff Weber
John Shen
Jonnie Brown – AAA 4-2:00 – 2:20
Liliane Fortna
Lisa Traugott
Tammy Cohen
Tony Jeton Selimi- PC 2:00-2:15

Sunday 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Ashley Belote
Craig Cooke- PC 3:00-3:15
Dr. Bernadette Anderson AAA 2 – 3:30-3:50
Jeff Weber
Jonnie Brown
Liliane Fortna-PC 3:30-3:45
Paul Kiritsis- AAA 2-3:00-3:20
Tony Jeton Selimi- AAA 3 – 3:00-3:50

Sunday 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Ashley Belote
David Benjamin- AAA 3 – 4:00-4:50
Deborah Donaldson AAA 2 – 4:00 – 4:20
Dr. Bernadette Anderson PC – 4:30 – 4:45
Dr. Bernadette Anderson – AAA 2 – 3:30-3:50
Jeff Weber
Jonnie Brown

Monday July 1

Monday 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
Ashley Belote
Carolee Dean- AAA 2 – 10:00-10:20
Hector Mexia- AAA 2 – 10:30-10:50
Hector Mexia
Jeff Weber

Monday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Ashley Belote
Jeff Weber
Hector Mexia
Carolee Dean

Meet the 2023 Zoom Into Books and Headline featured authors here:

Podcast videos 

In-booth interviews 

See ALA 2023 Wrap up!