Inspired by a child with cerebral palsy, Felix and Me, is a dialogue between a wise cat and a little girl with a disability. Endearing and inspirational, this beautifully illustrated book will encourage all to have hope for the future and overcome the obstacles life presents to all us.
The Children’s Literature Center at Frostburg State University has a tradition of bringing authors, illustrators, and storytellers to local schools. At one of the local schools, an incident occurred that inspired this short book. An author/storyteller asked the primary aged children if they could have anything, what would it be. Typical responses were voiced. I want a game box. I want a four wheeler. I want to go to Disneyland. One child, however, said that she would like a story written about her. Dr. William Bingman, the Frostburg State professor who brought the author/storyteller to the school, told some of his friends about the child’s request. This book is the result and, of course, is dedicated to Ashlyn.
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