Finding Eden

What really happened in the Garden of Eden?
How did humans live ten thousand years ago?

Runner Up Paris Book Festival Best Spiritual/Religious Book




Runner Up Paris Book Festival Best Spiritual/Religious Book

What really happened in the Garden of Eden?

How did humans live ten thousand years ago?

In this story, set a thousand years after Adam and Eve were exiled from Eden, Elwin’s family learned to scratch food and clothing from the earth, develop tools, customs, and laws, and find selfishness and lust in themselves as well as generosity and courage. They walked a long trek to find their origins, fought to save their families, invented writing to decipher an ancient stone, and learned from it that their Maker would return someday to redeem their hopes.



J. P. Kerwin







Year Published



6 x 9


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About the Author

Joe Kerwin was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1932. He was educated as a Catholic Christian and learned about World War II growing up. He trained as a physician, Naval Aviator, and an astronaut, and in 1973 was privileged to see the Earth from space, two hundred fifty miles up – the world glorious, his birthplace small and dear. He wondered how our strange capacity for both heroic and villainous behavior came to be and wrote this novel about the troubles and adventures of humans ten thousand years ago, a thousand summers since the tragedy of the Garden of Eden.