Chasing the Button

A bed of mobster crime unfolds in New York City’s Fulton Fish Market during the 1980s and 90s, prior to, and just after, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani expelled the mobsters who had controlled the Market since the days of Lucky Luciano, setting the scene for this a riveting novel.


A bed of mobster crime unfolds in New York City’s Fulton Fish Market during the 1980s and 90s, prior to, and just after, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani expelled the mobsters who had controlled the Market since the days of Lucky Luciano. Sal, a smart, young, Italian-American, loses interest in school due to peer pressure and gets a job working in the Fish Market from his early teens through his late twenties. Chasing the Button reveals his journey to becoming an associate of New York’s Genovese crime family.

From the streets of Brooklyn to the Fulton Fish Market, to the city’s violent nightclub scene and drug-riddled towns of Panama, we see Sal’s progression from a loving, decent, young man to a hardened criminal.


Damian Marotta





Year Published



6 x 9




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