Pickleball in Pickleton

The Pickle families of Pickleton are in a real pickle!  The Spicys move to town and sportsmanship on the Pickleball court is not good.


The Pickle families of Pickleton are in a real pickle!  They live their everyday lives by the fruit of the Spirit but the Spicy family doesn’t. They cheat, bicker, and even mock the other pickles when they play the town’s favorite sport: pickleball. Will they ever learn the lesson of being a good sport?

Pickleball in Pickleton creatively intertwines the foundation for spiritual growth and living with the joys of the game of Pickleball.  Even in the face of “spicy” opposition, this book illustrates how faith overcomes, and the fruit of the spirit is the foundation for healthy community and sportsmanship. It’s an active and true testimony that God’s love conquers all.  As a Physical Educator, this book would be a great tool and resource. — Donn Truax, Middle School Boys Life Fitness Educator 



Bucleigh Newton Kernodle








5.5 x 7.5

Year Published



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About the Author

Zoom Into Books Author

A native of Charlotte, NC, Bucleigh Newton Kernodle has always had a passion for creative writing. Inspired by her ninth grade English teacher to spread her wings, sparked to push her limit at Elon University by her communications professors, and her editor at the Charlotte Business Journal showed her how to make words their very best selves, all culminated into a desire to write children’s books. Her faith in God is where she finds her direction. She cherishes being a wife, mother and daughter to her loving family and they have never stopped believing in her. For more information visit the author’s website HERE

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