
Fred Saluga
Books, Non-Fiction, Metaphysical / Paranormal
Fred Saluga has been investigating Bigfoot, UFOs, and other paranormal phenomena for over 50 years. He is a licensed private investigator in the States of West Virginia, Florida, and Pennsylvania and a retired law enforcement officer and Chief of Police in Fayette County, PA. He currently serves as the State Director for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in WV and the Assistant State Director of MUFON in PA. Fred has investigated over 500 UFO cases and established MUFON’s Humanoid Research Group, which oversees the investigation of humanoid beings reported as UFO occupants.
He was the co-host of a Comcast Presentation that lasted for three years and produced television shows called “UFOs Over Pittsburgh” and now a podcast called “String Theory (40 movies) on YouTube.
He is also concurrently serving as the Director of the West Virginia Center for Unexplained Events, an organization dedicated to investigating sightings of Bigfoot, cryptids, ghosts, and other anomalous entities. He is the Director of the Fayette County, PA Bigfoot Research Project, headquartered in Uniontown, PA.
Books by Fred Saluga
Contact Information
Fred Saluga has been investigating Bigfoot, UFOs, and other paranormal phenomena for over 50 years. He can be reached at (304) 564-7165 (home) or (412) 298-0031 (cell). His e-mail is To write Fred a letter, his postal mailing address is P.O. Box 632, New Cumberland, West Virginia 26047.