
Joel Burcat
Fiction, Thrillers
Zoom Into Books Author
Joel Burcat is an environmental and energy lawyer. He is the author of Strange Fire (2022), Amid Rage (2021), and Drink to Every Beast (2019). He was selected as the 2019 Lawyer of the Year in Environmental Litigation (for Central PA) by Best Lawyers in America. He has been designated by both “Super Lawyers” and “Best Lawyers” for environmental and oil and gas law. He was also selected by the Pa. Bar Association as a recipient of its annual award in environmental law plus other awards as an environmental and energy lawyer. In addition to his law practice, he has edited two award-winning works on environmental and energy law. He lives in Harrisburg, PA with his wife, Gail. They have two grown daughters, a son-in-law and two grandchildren.
Zoom Into Books Events
Joel Burcat discussing Amid Rage with Guest Interviewer, Burke Allen Watch Here
Writing a Novel: Ten Things You Can and Should Do – Watch on YouTube
Writing Eco Fiction Watch Here
Discussion with Don Helin and Dennis Hetzel- writing Thrillers Watch Here
Fiction Writers and Editors Discussing COVID-19 – Joel Burcat, Don Helin, Jason Liller Watch Here
Thriller Night with Rick Robinson, Don Stansberry, Dennis Hetzel, Eliot Parker, Joel Burcat Watch Here
For More Information Visit
Books by Joel Burcat
Interview – The Conversation
Interview WURD Philadelphia, PA
Interview Harrisburg Magazine
Interview The Burg by Harvey Freedenburg, Challenge & Triumph
Interview – Frank Bruni, (UK)