
Melinda Chambers
Drama, Headline Kids, Education, Fiction, Middle Grade, Non-Fiction, West Virginia Authors/Illustrators
Multi-award-winning author Melinda Spiker Chambers is a retired educator with degrees from West Virginia University and Ohio State University. She was a WVU Extension Agent, middle school teacher, and Nutrition Director for Hampshire County Schools, where she lives with her family. She serves on the County Committee on Aging Board of Directors and the Board of Governors at Eastern Community Career and Technical College. She volunteers as a creative writer instructor, 4-H resource leader, and mentor. She is a Zoom Into Books author and part of the Headline Kids School Show program, and is a sought-after speaker.
Melinda has been a featured author at Book Expo America in New York City, the WV Book Festival in Charleston, WV, the Mountain State Arts and Crafts Fair at Cedar Lakes Conference Center, the WV Reading Association Conference, and the National Educational Association (NEA) conference. She received the International Award for Children’s Literacy in Los Angeles, CA, is a juried author at Tamarack in Beckley, and her books were also featured on Lifetime TV. Melinda has taught creative writing classes at State 4-H camping events and the State Young Writers’ Award Conference at Charleston, WV. Her books include: We Are Whoooo We Are, The Day the Snapdragons Snapped Back, Fraidy Cat, Chilly Billy, And We Helped, and Melby, all Mom’s Choice National Award winners.
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