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The Cat Has Class!

Mom’s Choice Award Winner–Silver
Award Winning Finalist USA Best Book Awards

The Cat Has Class! is the result of a proud collaboration of Franklin Elementary Center students, teachers and well known Headline Books children’s book authors, Martin and Delia Wach. It is a story of caring children and teachers adopting a cat who would not stay away.

Original price was: $16.95.Current price is: $9.95.

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By 2nd & 4th Grade Franklin Elementary Center, Parkersburg, WV with Martin & Delia Wach

Mom’s Choice Award Winner–Silver
Award Winning Finalist USA Best Book Awards

TV Interview
Book Signing WTAP-TV

During a Headline Kids School Show visit to Franklin Elementary Center November 2006, children’s book authors Martin and Delia Wach talked with the students about writing and illustrating children’s books and introduced them to their book, An Adventure In Writing. The kids were brain storming about what makes a good subject for a book. Nothing seemed to hit home.

During lunch at the school with the students the Wachs mentioned seeing a little house made out of milk cartons outside the school building, and they saw a cat walk into the little house. This opened a floodgate of stories about the cat that would not leave and the rest is history!

School officials and teachers found several wonderful adoptive families for the cat and every time the cat made its way back to the school. Finally, a little house was made for the cat outside and she has been a regular visitor ever since, teaching the students to care for animals, pet safety, and how to help others not to mention the rare opportunity to work with published authors and write a national release of their own.

TV Interview
Book Signing WTAP-TV



Year Published



Martin & Delia Wach






9 x 12

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Collaboration Book Program




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About the Author

Delia Bowman Wach is a highly acclaimed watercolor and mixed-media artist who has fallen in love with painting Teddy Bears and their friends.  Delia enjoyed placing small animals in many of her earlier works and was told that she seemed to give these creatures a living personality.  This ability has made her one of today’s best known children’s book illustrators.
     In the early 1990’s Martin Wach went to Suriname, South America, for business and by chance met a Maroon Medicine Man.  This led to a trip into the rain forest and meetings with the chiefs of the four Maroon Indian Tribes to discuss their need to create trade and commerce with America.  Martin suggested the creation of sustainable micro-businesses as a solution to creating new trade relationships.  The projects included the search for new medicines, aviculture, butterfly farming, poison dart frog research and eco-tourism.  While Martin was working with the Maroons, Delia was creating a cast of characters who live in the rain forest, out of…TEDDY BEARS!!!
Delia created the characters that would tell the story of the importance of saving our rain forests and Martin helped to write the story. Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest was born.

           Martin and Delia have now spoken to over 680 schools in West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Utah, New York, Florida, and Virginia. They have spoken to an average of 2500 students per week primarily in elementary schools. They have also spoken to middle, high school, and college students as well as adult audiences. Delia has become so successful she now spends full time at the drawing board creating new characters, but will be rejoining Martin for especially interesting invitations.
     In elementary schools, Martin begins with a 45 minute lecture. Martin tells amazing stories about the Rain Forest – Never, Never, Never Sit on a Tarantula, and Delia explains the art of illustration with From a Box of Crayons to a Digital Universe. She demonstrates how an idea in the artist’s head appears on paper.

Cutting Class

Original price was: $16.95.Current price is: $9.95.

Teddy Bear Helps on the Farm

Original price was: $14.95.Current price is: $9.95.