Voices from the Cosmos

Paris Book Festival Honorable Mention
Florida Book Festival Honorable Mention


Paris Book Festival Honorable Mention
Florida Book Festival Honorable Mention

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to talk to our cosmic neighbors? The authors did – – and found that what they have to say is exciting and challenging!






7 x 10




Angela Smith, C. B. Scott Jones


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About the Authors

Dr. Angela Thompson Smith, Ph.D. describes her life as taking place in three parts: the first part dealt with the Physical: working as a nurse, social worker, and medical researcher in the U.K. and the U.S.; the second part of her life focused on the Mind: when she worked at the PEAR Lab at Princeton University and studied psychology at Saybrook Graduate School; and the third part of her life has focused on Spirit. Dr. Smith was recently ordained as a shamanic practitioner. Her website can be found at http://www.mindwiseconsulting.com.