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News That’s Fit to Fake

by Philip Jason – Ft. Myers Magazine January 2020 Edition THIS IS A NOVEL in which most of the characters have few, if any, redeeming qualities. It has on display the cutthroat competition in the news business; the shallowness of the hangers-on who have no real reason to expect honest success, the extremes to which dishonesty can go, and the vulnerability of women whose low self-esteem makes them easy prey. Well, there are some women…

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Ashley Belote Signed to Book Deal by MacMillan Imprint

New York—Publisher’s Weekly Children’s Newsletter announces Holly West, of Fiewel and Friends, an imprint of MacMillan, has bought world rights to Frankenslime by Joy Keller, illustrated by Ashley Belote. In this picture book, a girl scientist experiments to make bold and wonderful slimes…and ends up with a slime creature. Publication is planned for summer 2021; Mary Cummings at Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises represented the author, and Moe Ferrara at BookEnds represented the illustrator. Belote, who…

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Kentucky Wrestler Writes Inspirational Memoir of his battle with Cerebral Palsy

Terra Alta WV—Heart of a Lion, by Willie Burton and Brenda Burton, with award winning author, Barry Kienzle, is a new release from Headline Books, 2018 Independent Publisher of the Year. Joseph Beth Book Sellers in Crestview Hills, KY will be hosting the authors for a book signing on November 9 at 2:00 p.m. Willie Burton was born with cerebral palsy. He suffered through painful surgeries and endless physical therapy sessions throughout his youth but…

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Network Broadcaster and Motivational Speaker, Kraig Kann, Authors New Book

Network Broadcaster and Motivational Speaker, Kraig Kann, Authors New Book, Broadcast Your Story: A No Fears Approach to Building Your Brand Handbook for Leaders and Guide to Media Prowess to Promote You and Your Business TERRA ALTA, WV – Headline Books will release television / radio personality and motivational speaker, Kraig Kann’s first book, Broadcast Your Story: A No Fears Approach to Building Your Brand, Spring 2020. After a 25-year television career that included 17…

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London Book Festival 2018 Awards Announcement

Headline Books New Releases Win 7 Awards LONDON–Honoring the best in International Publishing, The London Book Festival announces awards for 2018. Included are seven new titles from Headline Books. Fly Possum Fly by recording artist, Grant Maloy Smith, takes top honors as Winner for Best Children’s Book. Possums save the day when Santa’s reindeer can’t make the trip on Christmas Eve. Based on the song by the same name, Grant recorded this song with emerging…

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Hollywood Book Festival Announces 2018 Winners

Headline Titles Take Eight Awards! HOLLYWOOD_ The Hollywood Book Festival announces 2018 Winners and the list includes eight award winning Headline Books’ titles: The Deception by Lauren Hudson – Winner Best Young Adult Vulture Bend by Don Stansberry – Winner Wild Card Category Gracie’s Guide to the Prevention of Suicide by Angie Wilson, illustrated by Ashley Teets – Winner Best How-To Book Two Days at the Asylum by Frederick Walborn – Runner Up Best Genre…

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Creative Child Magazine Announces 2018 Awards

Henderson, NV-Headline titles win six awards in the 2018 Creative Child Magazine competition Congratulations to Through Children’s Eyes by Suzanne Alexander, a 2018 BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD, Kids Books on Art category Hopping to America: A Rabbit’s Tale of La Befana by Diana Pishner Walker, illustrated by Ashley Teets, a 2018 BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD, Kids Foreign Culture Holiday Books category Piper the Elf Rides A Reindeer by Colleen Driscoll, illustrated by Brian…

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New York Book Festival Announces Winners 2018

Lauren Hudson and Rick Robinson Win Top Awards! NEW YORK_ Awards announcement from the 2018 New York Book Festival, which honors books worthy of further attention from the world’s publishing capital. The Deception (Headline Books) by Lauren Hudson wins Best Young Adult Fiction and is the second edition in The Ascension trilogy. Together, the Anchors must cross boundaries of time and space to confront a darkness seeking to ensnare the human race. Can three gifted…

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The DeceptionWins Grand Prize at Beach Book Festival

Fred Walborn’s Two Days at the Asylum wins Honorable Mention NEW YORK_ The sequel to an award-winning novel on supernatural triplets is the grand prize winner of the 2018 Beach Book Festival, which honors the hottest reads of the summer. Author Lauren Hudson’s The Deception (Headline Books) is the second edition in The Ascension trilogy. In this latest story, we find triplets Felix, Jinx, and Desdemona Anchor with little time to bask in the glory…

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Headline titles win in Paris!

Paris, France -The 2018 Paris Book Festival announces awards for its annual competition honoring the best of international publishing. Competition categories include: non-fiction, fiction, biography/autobiography, children’s books, cookbooks, compilations/anthologies; young adult, how-to, photography/art, unpublished stories, business, poetry, spiritual/religious, travel and the wild card (anything goes!). Entries can be in French, English, Spanish, German or Portuguese and Headline Books titles garnered to following awards: Winner – Best How To book –Gracies Guide: Gracie Learns About the…

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