AmeriCANS who Made America: 18th Century ‐ Birth of the Republic

Richard V. Battle has written an inspirational account of the men and women who went before us to shape America in the 18th century. This is a wonderful, empowering read for all ages.

Gold Mom’s Choice Award
Bronze Best Young Adult Non-Fiction Reviewers Choice Awards
Finalist Best History Reviewers Choice Awards
Paris Book Festival Honorable Mention
Southern California Book Festival Honorable Mention

Audio Book 
eBooks Available Here



Gold Mom’s Choice Award
Bronze Best Young Adult Non-Fiction Reviewers Choice Awards
Finalist Best History Reviewers Choice Awards
Paris Book Festival Honorable Mention 
Southern California Book Festival Honorable Mention

Are you ready to become an AmeriCAN of this generation?

From the very first page of this book, you will be inspired by the AmeriCAN-do spirit of the people who forged our great country! You will see how their life examples can help you have a positive impact on yourself, your community, and your country.

The heroes profiled within are everyday AmeriCANs who came from all walks of life and have positively benefited both present and future Americans with their actions.

The stories of these patriotic men, women, and boy AmeriCANS will inspire and encourage you. They will make you proud to be an AmeriCAN! Feed your dreams from their examples, create a hope for the future and find the motivation to reach for the stars.

This volume celebrates timeless American values and principles as valid today as ever.

  • Be inspired to appreciate our country and contribute to further triumphs for the good of individuals and the country as a whole.
  • Learn about ordinary people who are part of a long history of AmeriCANS who created, expanded, preserved, and passed individual liberty for future Americans.


  • 40 inspiring profiles of 18th Century AmeriCANS
  • 245 motivational and inspirational quotations

Richard V. Battle has written an inspirational account of the men and women who went before us to shape America in the 18th century. This is a wonderful, empowering read for all ages. As Battle quoted from Chief Pontiac, “We must never stop until we have fulfilled our destiny.”  ~~ Salina B Baker, author of “The Line of Splendor, A Novel of Nathanael Greene and the American Revolution”



Richard Battle








6 x 9

Year Published


2 reviews for AmeriCANS who Made America: 18th Century ‐ Birth of the Republic

  1. Reviewed by Essien Asian for Readers’ Favorite

    America fought her wars of independence and established herself as a global power to be respected, but recent occurrences cast aspersions on that reputation. The breakout of several skirmishes around the globe has put a lot of concerned parties on edge as they attempt to prevent what many fear can only be the opening salvo of World War 3. Now, more than ever, the rest of the world is looking to America to provide leadership. Our leaders may seem lacking in inspiration, but some believe they need not look further than our storied past. Richard V. Battle has collated the achievements of a select group of individuals worthy of emulation who stood up for justice when the need arose. AmeriCANS Who Made America is that inspirational collection.

    Richard V. Battle’s exceptional collection displays all the ḩallmarks of extensive research and excellent documentation. He discusses each individual in clear and straightforward tones, highlighting what they are popularly known for and other lesser-known events in their lives. He does an impressive job of humanizing these great men and women by placing equal emphasis on their good deeds and their perceived failings. One remarkable aspect is the extent to which he widens his search to provide a balanced set of individuals, analyzing the efforts of male and female actors and the different races that played a part in forming the America we have today. He not only focuses on individuals involved in military conquests; he goes so far as to include artists, captains of industry, and even spies, showing the importance of every facet of society in developing a better future. In times like these, when the American people struggle to find inspiration in the search for answers, AmeriCANS Who Made America, with its symbolic imagery and abundance of well-placed quotes, can provide that and more.

  2. Ashley Hooker for Reader Views

    5*- An inspirational reminder for Americans
    “AmeriCANS Who Made America!: 18th Century – Birth of The Republic” by Richard V. Battle
    is the story of what it took to build America. It is one in a series Battle is writing that displays the
    AmeriCAN-do spirit.”

    In this book, Battle focuses on the 18th-century founders, patriots, and leaders. Battle shares the
    stories of 40 men and women who selflessly toiled to create a republic. Each story gives a brief
    biography with a focus on what specific role that person played in the time leading up to and
    during the American Revolution.

    From start to finish the author clearly supports his purpose for writing this book. Before jumping
    into the characters, he pumps up the reader with an inspiring preface and explanation of how to
    use this book. I especially liked the addition of his chapter called “Republic” and the quotes he
    includes that set the stage for what is to be learned from this book.

    Battle states in his About this Book section that he authored the book for young adults. He does
    an excellent job of presenting each person with a short, concise description. He does not include
    tiny details and fluffy language that could distract the reader. Battle also formats “AmeriCANS
    Who Made America!” well. He places each person into one of three groups: founders, patriots,
    and leaders.

    As a former history teacher, I am aware that we all have different learning styles. Battle is clearly
    aware of this as well. His choice of words is appropriate for the age group he is focused on. The
    book cover is eye-catching with his use of the painting showing Washington crossing the
    Delaware. Battle also chooses various other art pieces to catch your attention. He also provides a
    portrait of each person he is presenting to the reader.

    The shining star of “AmeriCANS Who Made America!” is the author’s inclusion of quotes. The
    book is filled with words of important players in the making of America. The reader can almost
    forget who the author is. You feel like each person is detailing their lives themselves. My
    favorite quote is at the beginning. It states

    You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you
    will make good use of it. ~ John Adams

    “AmeriCANs Who Made America!” is a book perfect for today’s audience. The author clearly
    presents the belief that in America we can forge our own paths. Readers can be inspired to take a
    stand for what they believe is right. We also are urgently reminded that we have an obligation to
    preserve what those individuals worked, fought, and sacrificed for.

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About the Author

Zoom Into Books Author – Watch on Zoom Into Books YouTube Channel HERE

Richard V. Battle is a business consultant, speaker and the award-winning author of six books including his latest Conquering Life’s Course. He has been a public speaker and trainer for over 30 years on topics including volunteerism, leadership, sales and faith.

Currently serving on the board of directors of Alpha Kappa PSI, he also serves on the international professional business fraternity and was a past chairman. He was an executive with KeyTrak (a Reynolds and Reynolds company), and has more than 40 years of experience in sales, executive management and leadership in various business entities. He was appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry to The Texas Judicial Council and The Texas Emerging Technology Fund.

As president of the Austin Junior Chamber of Commerce (1983-1984),  the U.S. Junior Chamber of Commerce recognized the chapter as the Most Outstanding chapter in the United States, and the Junior Chamber of Commerce International recognized Richard as the Outstanding Chapter President in the world.

He has served on the board of many organizations including: The John Ben Shepperd Public Leadership Foundation, Boy Scouts of America, Muscular Dystrophy Association and Keep Austin Beautiful.