Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island

Gold Mom’s Choice Award
Next Generation Indie Book Award Finalist
Winner New York Book Festival 
Finalist International Book Awards – Best Memoir
San Francisco Book Festival Runner Up 
Los Angeles Book Festival Award – Honorable Mention Best Memoir
Hollywood Book Festival Honorable Mention
Paris Book Festival Honorable Mention
Readers’ Favorite International Book Award Finalist
Southern California Book Festival Honorable Mention 

Zoom Into Books Author 
A poignant, loving, revealing, inside account of the other side of Gilligan’s Island – the private lives of Bob and Dreama Denver.

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Gold Mom's Choice Award
Next Generation Indie Book Award Finalist
Winner New York Book Festival - Best Memoir
Finalist International Book Awards - Best Memoir
San Francisco Book Festival - Runner Up Biography/Autobiography
Paris Book Festival Honorable Mention
Los Angeles Book Festival Award - Honorable Mention Best Memoir
Hollywood Book Festival Honorable Mention
Readers' Favorite Finalist
Southern California Book Festival Honorable Mention- Best Memoir

A poignant, loving, revealing, inside account of the other side of Gilligan’s Island – the private lives of Bob and Dreama Denver. Growing up in southern West Virginia, Dreama never imagined her fantasy of becoming an actress would ultimately become reality and land her in the arms of a man with one of the most recognizable faces on the planet. In the pages of this book, a love letter to the husband she adored, you’ll find love, laughter and tears. It is inspirational, possibly even life-changing, but it is never boring.

“For almost 30 years I was married to the man the rest of the world knew as Gilligan. Almost five decades of reruns have made his television character iconic, but the Bob Denver I knew and loved was legendary to me for his courage, his commitment to his severely autistic son and his love for the wife of his dreams, maybe the reason he called me Dreams.”—Dreama Denver


Dreama Denver








6 x 9

Year Published


6 reviews for Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island

  1. Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers’ Favorite

    Sometimes life dishes out a “tsunami” of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Even the most perfect, long-lasting love affair, and a Hollywood one at that, can have its chain reaction of problems. But for Dreama, her love affair with Bob Denver (the much loved Gilligan of the 1970s sitcom, Gilligan’s Island), a marriage that lasted 28 years, there was a powerful bond in this connection that saw her through the bad times as much as the good. Towards the end of Bob’s life, a friend reassuringly pointed out to Dreama: “You’ve had a beautiful life with him, Dreama, even the hard parts because he was there for you, always with you, never let you down. I’m not sure how many people can say that, but I don’t think many have a love story like yours. What memories you’ll have to fortify you after he’s gone.” She was right. Dreama’s life didn’t end with her love’s death. It carried on in many unexpected ways, always honoring the love she held so dear. “Bob left me better equipped to make my own way than I imagined. He left me 28 years of love to draw from, but his gift of Colin is what changed my life.” Colin was their autistic son. But Bob’s illness and death and Colin’s autism were not the end of the “tsunami” for in 2015, Dreama was diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Perhaps the greatest tribute to this love is Dreama Denver’s poignant memoir, Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island. Beautifully written with compassion, love, honesty, and the undying union of two soulmates, this story goes beyond the Gilligan so many of us welcomed into our homes every week (myself included). Dreama reveals a man who was passionate about his craft: theater, comedy, and making people happy, particularly children. That latter passion was clearly evident in his deep devotion to his autistic son, Colin. Dreama has brought to life not only her life in theater but the life of a Hollywood icon who was much more in real life than the parts he played on stage or in front of a camera. Dreama’s words had me crying and laughing and wanting to shake both her hands and Bob’s (or even Gilligan’s, since for me he’ll always be one and the same). She reveals one man’s courage and determination when set against so many challenges, but she also shares her own courage and determination, both during their 28 years together and after he passes away. This is a beautiful tribute, a love letter of sorts in honor of a Hollywood icon. It’s both powerful and full of love we don’t often see these days.

  2. Joy Hannabass for Readers’ Favorite

    In Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island, Bob Denver’s wife Dreama gives readers an insight into the private life of one of the most well-known faces in America. The lovable, funny, goofy guy that everyone fell in love with as one of the stars of Gilligan’s Island. In this book, Dreama tells of how she and Bob met, their first job together as well as the many shows they were on, and how they traveled to America and Canada for their acting jobs. Since this is their love story, we also find out how they fell in love, their wedding day, their favorite places to visit, their marriage being an actor and actress, the many ups and downs of their life together, and the love that carried them through. We read the touching story of how Bob and Dreama were both committed to caring for their son Colin who was born with severe autism. And then the sad diagnosis of Bob’s cancer, Dreama’s illness, and how their love still held strong through it all.

    Gilligan’s Dreams, by Dreama Denver was such an enjoyable story. I grew up watching Gilligan’s Island and was glad to read more about one of my favorite actors. It was fun reading about their home because my sister lived just around the road from them so I was able to see their beautiful home. As well, we met Bob at a book signing, which we will always remember. Dreama writes this story with such passion and love for her husband as well as their son Colin. It was with much sadness to read about Bob’s cancer, the surgeries, and what this illness was doing to our favorite guy. As well as reading about Dreama’s medical issues she had to face. But the special thing about it all was their love, and how that strong love carried them through. It was touching how Bob wanted Dreama there every minute and I love the sweet things they would say to each other. This is such a sweet story that I love, and if you love Gilligan like most of us that grew up with him, Gilligan’s Dreams is a story you don’t want to miss.

  3. Jon Michael Miller for Readers’ Favorite

    Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island, a memoir by Dreama Denver, Bob Denver’s lover then spouse, can be divided into four sections: 1) their courtship and marriage; 2) Colin, their brain-injured son; 3) Bob’s illness, and 4) Dreama’s life alone. The first is filled with the exuberance of soulmate passion and Dreama’s immersion in the sparkle of showbiz and its stars. The second is the horrific yet inspiring plight of living with a severely autistic child who demanded the couple’s full-time attention. The third is the harrowing love and dedication of Dreama’s struggle with Bob’s illness and passing, and the fourth is her miraculous growth and resurgence into a successful, independent individual in the realm of helping others. She provides many photographs of Bob and her with other stars, and she heads each chapter with relevant pop song lyrics by such artists as James Taylor, Elvis, Billy Joel, Elton John, and John Denver. In all, a fabulous memoir, stunningly written and born out of love, struggle, and redemption.

    As a reviewer, I feel indeed privileged to be able to play a minuscule part in possibly bringing readers Dreama Denver’s difficult, brave and exquisite reminiscence. How her exciting, star-studded life was turned upside-down with the arrival of baby Colin in her life! How Colin bonded her with Bob inextricably as they sacrificed everything for the love of their injured child. How she summoned up her West Virginia pioneer strength to endure overwhelming challenges. What adjectives apply—miraculous, awe-inspiring, heartbreaking, chuckle-inducing, tear-causing, courageous, transcendent? Dreama Denver is a hero, no, a superhero. Because she is humble, she will reject such terminology, saying she merely did what she had to do. Thus, it is my great pleasure to supply those words. Simply, with all my heart, I say to all readers of every stripe—Read this book, Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island by its magnificent author, Dreama Denver.

  4. Daniel D Staats for Readers’ Favorite

    Depending on your age, you probably will remember Bob Denver as either Maynard G. Krebs—from The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis—or Gilligan from Gilligan’s Island. If you think you know Bob Denver, think again. Bob’s wife of over 25 years (Dreama Denver) has scored a major hit with her personal insights found in her book Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island. You will love reading their love story and see how they remained married through the years of trials. You may think that TV stars are all about money and fame, but you would be wrong. Bob was a loving and caring man. Together, Dreama (Bob called her Dreams) and Bob reared a differently-abled son. Bob was a dedicated father and together Dreama and he cared for their son.

    This book gives the reader a glimpse into the personal life of Bob Denver. Dreama Denver was Bob’s fourth wife. In Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island, she shares some details about Bob’s life before he met Dreama, personal stories from his Gilligan days, and how they met. Then she goes on to talk about the charmed life the two of them lived together from their first meeting. After a few years of marriage, they decided to start a family. Together they had a son who was severely differently-abled. He had autism and seizures. Read how together they took care of their son, sacrificing everything for him. The book tells the sad story of Bob’s cancer and death. There is an afterword that talks about Dreama’s life since Bob’s demise and how much progress their son has made. Be sure to have a box of tissues with you if you have an ounce of compassion. You will need them. But also, be ready to laugh until you cry.

  5. Deborah Lloyd for Readers’ Favorite

    When Bob Denver and Dreama Peery met for the first time on the set of Play It Again, Sam in St. Petersburg, Florida, in 1977, the sparks flew; there was an instant connection. Their 28-year relationship is chronicled in the memoir written by Dreama Denver, titled Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island. Bob had already been married three times and had one stepson and three biological children. He always said “4” was his lucky number, and Dreama fitted the bill. Their relationship was always very strong, although they faced some of the greatest challenges any relationship could endure. From raising an autistic son together to dealing with Bob’s terminal illness, their love for each other never wavered.

    Dreama is a wonderful storyteller; she is able to capture the joys and difficulties of an amazing relationship with an authentic voice. Her style of writing is easy to read as the story flows well. She shares some photos and some surprising facts about Bob, including finding his life’s purpose. Her journey is also an incredible one. She honestly shares her undying love for Bob, as well as an ultimatum she gave him during the marriage. Every reader will be able to feel the grief she experienced during his illness and death. And what she has accomplished after his death will give all grieving people hope. Life continues, and one can choose to honor their loved one through charitable works – a lovely tribute. Author Dreama Denver has shared an unforgettable love story through the memoir, Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island.

  6. Kevin D. Miller

    Award-Winning author Dreama Denver’s memoir, “Gilligan’s Dreams: The Other Side of the Island” is a powerful emotional journey of her life with beloved TV icon, Bob Denver. Her writing style and voice are impeccable. I felt as if I was sitting on a sofa having an intimate conversation with a dear friend.

    Dreama’s story is a story of love, perseverance, courage and overcoming the impossible. She pulls no punches and tells her life story with raw and honest detail. Her love story with her husband of 28 years is so very genuine. Not full of glamor or written through the eyes of idealism, but told truthfully. A story we can all relate to. Dreama and Bob’s passionate, volatile at times and eternal love for each other is a love for the ages.

    The couple’s love for their autistic son, Colin is the ultimate example of a parent’s love for their child. There is nothing they would not do for their son. Even if it meant sacrificing their own love and lives to provide whatever their son needed. I was blown away by the depth of their devotion.

    I was carried away by Ms. Denver’s descriptions and the sheer emotion and candidness of her story. It was very difficult not to shed a few tears along the way, and I did shed a few with a constant lump in my throat.
    Having two daughters pursuing acting careers in Hollywood allowed me to relate to many of the aspects of Dreama’s career and experiences as a successful actress. I immensely enjoyed her behind-the-scenes look at Hollywood.

    I highly recommend this book to readers from all walks of life. It is inspirational, emotional, and carries a message of hope and encouragement throughout its pages. It left me with the feeling of knowing ‘Dreams’ Denver on a personal level.

    Emphatically a five-star work of art that is a must-read. And I loved the photos she shares!

    Author Kevin D. Miller

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About the Author

Dreama Denver is an actress and international multi-award-winning author of Four Bears in a Box, Back to the Beach, Zen and Now, and Gilligan’s Dreams, detailing her 30-year marriage to Bob Denver, star of that iconic television series “Gilligan’s Island. The two met when they were cast opposite one another in a theater production, and toured the country for many years performing together. She is a Mom’s Choice Award Honoree and a Next Generation Indie Book Award Recipient. An author and speaker, Dreama keeps Bob’s legacy alive via her work with The Denver Foundation, supporting special needs children and U.S. veterans.  Visit to learn more.

Zoom Into Books Author