
Teddy Bear Helps on the Farm

Mom’s Choice Award 

Learn to write and draw!

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By The Children of Appalachia with Martin & Delia Wach and Jason S. Lynch

Mom’s Choice Award Juvenile Books (Level 2 – Ages 9 to 12): Activities, Crafts & Hobbies ( Includes Puzzles & Games)

Teddy Bear Helps on the Farm is a unique collection of short stories and activities written by the children of Appalachia to inspire others. This inaugural edition will be introduced at the Bob Evans Farm Festival 2007. The project symbolizes the power of children to impact their community and inspire others to lead successful and generous lives. This book reminds us everyone has potential—no matter their abilities. The book is intended to be for children and their families to explore and engage in activities together and have fun coloring and reading. The process of watching the children of Appalachia reflect upon what it means to help others was amazing. We hope you, too are inspired to help others in your greater community.

This book is dedicated to Bob Evans, who embodies through his roots in rural Appalachia, the success anyone can achieve with the right support. A portion of this book’s sales will be donated to the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio (FAO), in honor of Mr. Evans, to continue the organization’s support of access to greater educational opportunities. The Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) public charity and regional community foundation, serving the 29 counties of Appalachian Ohio. The Foundation Fosters Access to Opportunity for the region’s families through the power of charitable giving.


Jason Lynch, Martin & Delia Wach






8.5 x 11




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About the Authors

Jason Lynch, award winning author, is the owner and CEO of E. G. Bear Company and was selected the U. S. Small Business Administration’s 2007 Home-based Business Champion of the Year for West Virginia. 100% of all E. G. Bear Company’s products are proudly made in West Virginia. Founded in 1995 by a group of church friends to honor Emery Glenn Moore, Jason Lynch has grown this basement business into a cottage-based manufacturing company that employs people who work out of their homes, many with disabilities. Lynch was also awarded the 2005 Top Toy Producer for Tamarack, Best of West Virginia, located in Beckley,WV and the 2007 Generation Next 40 under 40 from the West Virginia State Business Journal.

Delia Bowman Wach is a highly acclaimed watercolor and mixed-media artist who has fallen in love with painting Teddy Bears and their friends.  Delia enjoyed placing small animals in many of her earlier works and was told that she seemed to give these creatures a living personality.  This ability has made her one of today’s best known children’s book illustrators.
     In the early 1990’s Martin Wach went to Suriname, South America, for business and by chance met a Maroon Medicine Man.  This led to a trip into the rain forest and meetings with the chiefs of the four Maroon Indian Tribes to discuss their need to create trade and commerce with America.  Martin suggested the creation of sustainable micro-businesses as a solution to creating new trade relationships.  The projects included the search for new medicines, aviculture, butterfly farming, poison dart frog research and eco-tourism.  While Martin was working with the Maroons, Delia was creating a cast of characters who live in the rain forest, out of…TEDDY BEARS!!!
Delia created the characters that would tell the story of the importance of saving our rain forests and Martin helped to write the story. Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest was born.

           Martin and Delia have now spoken to over 680 schools in West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Utah, New York, Florida, and Virginia. They have spoken to an average of 2500 students per week primarily in elementary schools. They have also spoken to middle, high school, and college students as well as adult audiences. Delia has become so successful she now spends full time at the drawing board creating new characters, but will be rejoining Martin for especially interesting invitations.
     In elementary schools, Martin begins with a 45 minute lecture. Martin tells amazing stories about the Rain Forest – Never, Never, Never Sit on a Tarantula, and Delia explains the art of illustration with From a Box of Crayons to a Digital Universe. She demonstrates how an idea in the artist’s head appears on paper.

Cutting Class

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The Cat Has Class!

Original price was: $16.95.Current price is: $9.95.