When Cosmic Cultures Meet

The capstone of a strategy to encourage the Clinton administration to review government policy of secrecy and denial concerning UFO and ET information was a conference held in Washington, D.C. in May 1995.

Scott Jones, the editor of The Proceedings: When Cosmic Cultures Meet designed the strategy that brought Laurence Rockefeller and the president”s Science Advisor, Dr. Jack Gibbons together in the Old Executive Office Building.

The international conference that followed set a standard for the mix of science, politics, philosophy and media reporting that must be involved when approaching an important but currently unfathomable phenomena.


The capstone of a strategy to encourage the Clinton administration to review government policy of secrecy and denial concerning UFO and ET information was a conference held in Washington, D.C. in May 1995.

Scott Jones, the editor of The Proceedings: When Cosmic Cultures Meet designed the strategy that brought Laurence Rockefeller and the president”s Science Advisor, Dr. Jack Gibbons together in the Old Executive Office Building.

The international conference that followed set a standard for the mix of science, politics, philosophy and media reporting that must be involved when approaching an important but currently unfathomable phenomena.

The Proceedings provides much more than the presentations of twenty-two speakers that included John Mack, Ruth Montgomery, Zecharia Sitchin, and James Hurtak. Three discussant panels on Fear, Hope and the Future are presented. Also provided is exchange of correspondence with the White House, Members of Congress and the Washington, D.C. Diplomatic Corps. A unique and revealing section is the result of a detailed Questionnaire completed by a large number of those who attended the conference. Their responses in role taking of international political and spiritual leaders show the courage, wisdom and humor that are vital parts of surviving, and essential in dealing with the unknown.


C. B. Scott Jones






8.5 x 11




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