London Book Festival Honorable Mention
Southern California Book Festival Honorable Mention
Venus Rising explores many facets of conditions and life on Venus in many dimensions from a perspective of conspiracies, history, theosophy, ufology and current events, especially space research. Dr. Keller has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967. He was the founder and director of the Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society (OSIRIS) of Hilmar, California, as well as the publisher and co-editor of the New Millennial Star, a monthly pre-Internet tabloid newspaper.
What People Say
The book is well written and scholarly, with detailed attention to various sources of information. This writer commends the author, Dr. Raymond Andrew Keller, II, Ph.D., for a Big Beautiful Book. Welcome, Dear Reader! May you enjoy the journey. — R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Counseling Services, University of Wyoming
The really controversial part of the book is the study of Venus in relation to the UFO enigma and contemporary claims of contact with people from other planets, especially Venus. Most mainstream “scientific” ufologists dismiss the first generation 1950s and 60s contactees as frauds and cultists, but my 40+ years of research into contactee cases indicates that some of these individuals actually were in contact with a group of benevolent alien visitors, trying to influence our culture at a critical time in history. Venus Rising is a comprehensive and exciting scholarly endeavour that can inspire further research into this most fascinating subject. —Håkan Blomqvist, Librarian and co-founder of Archives for the Unexplained (AFU), Sweden
In these pages, Dr. Keller reveals that on a personal level we have probably experienced frequent encounters with Venusians, without even realizing it. He blows the cover off the biggest secret that only a handful of powerful individuals know in the highest echelons of officialdom, that space people from Venus look almost exactly like us, but more beautiful/handsome, have infiltrated human society in all nations and have been visiting the Earth since prehistoric times. If you ever had any questions about Venus or Venusians, you will find the answers in this book.—Michael A. LaRiche, Director, Coast-to-Coast A.M. Radio Discussion Groups Northeast, Ohio
Lon Strickler –
Well-sourced with surprising information…
January 18, 2016, Amazon
I highly recommend ‘Venus Rising’…one of the more interesting and thought-provoking reads pertaining to the cosmos. Well-sourced with surprising information. This book should be in every UFO / extraterrestrial collection.