Over the eons of its existence, the Earth has been subjected to a host of different tribulations including cosmic collisions, ice ages, earthquakes, floods and tsunamis, wildfires, and man-made pollution. Each of these is a very interesting subject in its own right and, when writing about them, I came to realize that when the material was restricted to just one perspective and unnecessary elaboration was eliminated, the text that remained was of insufficient length to justify its publication as a stand-alone book. On the other hand, the subjects were sufficiently different from one another that they could not appropriately be reformatted as chapters in a single book. My solution was to retain the original formatting of the six brief books I had written on different but closely-related subjects, and bind them into this single volume.
Confronting the Earth’s Tribulations
Cosmic collisions, ice ages, earthquakes, floods and tsunamis, wildfires, and man-made pollution — each covered in one volumne demonstrating the evolving conditions on our planet Earth.
Year Published | 2019 |
Author | David Ritchey |
ISBN | 9781946664617 |
Cover | Paperback |
Size | 5.5 x 8.5 |
Pages | 352 |
About the Author
After being educated in economics at Yale University, David Ritchey served five years as an officer in the U.S. Navy, including a year in Vietnam. Back in civilian life, he initially became a businessman as he had been trained but, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, he dropped out, got a divorce, moved to a remote old stone farmhouse and took up fine art photography as his vocation, winning over 60 awards during the next fifteen years.
During that period, he became fascinated with the psychology and neurology of both creativity and metaphysics and returned to school to train as a psychotherapist. During his fifteen years of clinical practice specializing in hypnotherapy, he undertook a twelve-year project to research and write about such subjects and his first book, The H.I.S.S. of the A.S.P., was published in 2003. Writing proved to be every bit as rewarding as photography and became his primary vocation. Being an inveterate learner, he focused on non-fiction subjects, enjoying the research as much as the writing. His more than forty published works have won over 25 literary awards. His books can be found at www.davidritchey-author.com and online book stores.
See Books by David Ritchey Here
His avocations have included scuba diving, sailing, skiing, tennis, golf, gardening, woodworking, dogs, magic, bridge, and Scrabble. He has two adult children, Harper and Mac, and one almost-adult grandchild, Brendan. He lives in historic Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and spends most of his time either writing or engaging in stimulating conversations over restaurant meals with close friends.
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